Programming I version 1.5.3
Programming I C Library
No Matches
Macros | Functions
base.h File Reference

Base functions for Programming I Library. More...

#include <stdio.h>
#include <stdlib.h>
#include <stddef.h>
#include <string.h>
#include <ctype.h>
#include <math.h>
#include <time.h>
#include <stdbool.h>
#include "basedefs.h"

Go to the source code of this file.


#define assert(description, condition)
 Checks the given condition.
#define assert_code(x)   x
 Allows writing code that is meant for use in an assertion.
#define assert_not_null(pointer)
 Checks that the given pointer is not NULL.
#define assert_x(description, condition, ...)
 Checks the given condition.
#define count_if(init, has_more_steps, do_step, condition)
 Counts the number of iteration steps for which the given condition is true.
#define ensure(description, condition)
 Checks the given postcondition.
#define ensure_code(x)   x
 Allows writing code that is meant for use in a postcondition.
#define ensure_not_null(pointer)
 Checks that the given pointer is not NULL.
#define ensure_x(description, condition, ...)
 Checks the given postcondition.
#define EPSILON   0.00000001
 A very small positive value.
#define exists(i, length, condition)
 Checks whether the given condition is true for at least one step of an iteration.
#define exists_x(init, has_more_steps, do_step, condition)
 Checks whether the given condition is true for at least one step of an iteration.
#define exit   base_exit
 Exits the process and returns the given status to the operating system.
#define exit_if(condition, ...)
 Exits the program if the failure condition is true.
#define forall(i, length, condition)
 Checks whether the given condition is true for all steps of an iteration.
#define forall_x(init, has_more_steps, do_step, condition)
 Checks whether the given condition is true for all steps of an iteration.
#define free   base_free
 Frees memory blocks allocated with xmalloc or xcalloc.
 Switching assertion checking on and off.
 Switching assertion checking on and off.
 Switching assertion checking on and off.
#define panic(...)
 Exits the program.
#define panic_if(condition, ...)
 Exits the program if the failure condition is true.
#define PL   printf("%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__)
 Print line number.
#define PLf(...)
 Print line number and format string.
#define PLi(i)   printf("%s:%d: %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, i)
 Print line number and integer.
#define require(description, condition)
 Checks the given precondition.
#define require_not_null(argument)
 Checks that the given argument is not NULL.
#define require_x(description, condition, ...)
 Checks the given precondition.
#define test_equal_b(a, e)   base_test_equal_b(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e)
 Checks whether the actual boolean (first argument) is equal to the expected boolean (second argument).
#define test_equal_boa(a, e, ne)   base_test_equal_ba(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e, ne)
 Checks whether the actual array (first argument) is equal to the expected array (second argument).
#define test_equal_c(a, e)   base_test_equal_c(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e)
 Checks whether the actual character (first argument) is equal to the expected character (second argument).
#define test_equal_ca(a, e, ne)   base_test_equal_ca(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e, ne)
 Checks whether the actual array (first argument) is equal to the expected array (second argument).
#define test_equal_i(a, e)   base_test_equal_i(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e)
 Checks whether the actual int (first argument) is equal to the expected int (second argument).
#define test_equal_s(a, e)   base_test_equal_s(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e)
 Checks whether the actual String (first argument) is equal to the expected String (second argument).
#define test_equal_struct(a, e, p)   base_test_equal_struct(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e, p)
 Checks whether the actual struct (first argument) is equal to the expected struct (second argument).
#define test_within_d(a, e, epsilon)   base_test_within_d(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e, epsilon)
 Checks whether the actual double (first argument) is within +/-epsilon (third argument) of the expected double (second argument).
#define test_within_i(a, e, epsilon)   base_test_within_i(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e, epsilon)
 Checks whether the actual int (first argument) is within +/-epsilon (third argument) of the expected int (second argument).
#define xcalloc(num, size)   base_calloc(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, num, size)
 Allocates a block of (num * size) bytes with calloc.
#define xmalloc(size)   base_malloc(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, size)
 Allocates a block of size bytes with xmalloc.
#define xrealloc(ptr, size)   base_realloc(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, ptr, size)
 Reallocates a block of size bytes using realloc.


bool b_rnd (void)
 Returns a random Boolean between (true or false) with 50% probability.
bool base_test_equal_b (const char *file, int line, bool a, bool e)
 Checks whether the actual value a is equal to the expected value e.
bool base_test_equal_c (const char *file, int line, char a, char e)
 Checks whether the actual value a is equal to the expected value e.
bool base_test_equal_i (const char *file, int line, int a, int e)
 Checks whether the actual value a is equal to the expected value e.
bool base_test_equal_s (const char *file, int line, String a, String e)
 Checks whether the actual value a is equal to the expected value e.
bool base_test_equal_struct (const char *file, int line, Any a, Any e, AnyFn predicate)
 Checks whether the members of struct a are equal to the members of struct e.
bool base_test_within_d (const char *file, int line, double a, double e, double epsilon)
 Checks whether the actual value a is within +/-epsilon of the expected value e.
bool base_test_within_i (const char *file, int line, int a, int e, int epsilon)
 Checks whether the actual value a is within +/-epsilon of the expected value e.
double d_input (void)
 Reads a double from standard input.
double d_of_s (String s)
 Converts a String to a double.
double d_rnd (double i)
 Returns a random double between in the interval [0,i).
void get_line (char *line, int n)
 Reads at most n-1 characters into an existing buffer.
int i_input (void)
 Reads an integer from standard input.
int i_of_s (String s)
 Converts a String to an integer.
int i_rnd (int i)
 Returns a random int between in the interval [0,i).
void printb (bool b)
 Prints a boolean value.
void printba (Byte *a, int n)
 Prints a C-array of n Bytes.
void printbaln (Byte *a, int n)
 Prints a C-array of n Bytes followed by a line break.
void printbln (bool b)
 Prints a boolean value followed by a line break.
void printboa (bool *a, int n)
 Prints a C-array of n booleans.
void printboaln (bool *a, int n)
 Prints a C-array of n booleans followed by a line break.
void printc (char c)
 Prints a character.
void printca (char *a, int n)
 Prints a C-array of n characters.
void printcaln (char *a, int n)
 Prints a C-array of n characters followed by a line break.
void printcln (char c)
 Prints a character followed by a line break.
void printd (double d)
 Prints a double.
void printda (double *a, int n)
 Prints a C-array of n doubles.
void printdaln (double *a, int n)
 Prints a C-array of n doubles followed by a line break.
void printdln (double d)
 Prints a double followed by a line break.
void printi (int i)
 Prints an integer.
void printia (int *a, int n)
 Prints a C-array of n integers.
void printialn (int *a, int n)
 Prints a C-array of n integers followed by a line break.
void printiln (int i)
 Prints an integer followed by a line break.
void println ()
 Prints a line break.
void prints (String s)
 Prints a String.
void printsa (String *a, int n)
 Prints a C-array of n Strings.
void printsaln (String *a, int n)
 Prints a C-array of n Strings followed by a line break.
void printsln (String s)
 Prints a String followed by a line break.
void report_memory_leaks (bool do_check)
 Switches memory checking on or off.
bool s_contains (String s, String part)
 Returns true iff s contains part.
String s_copy (String s)
 Creates a copy of the given string.
bool s_equals (String s, String t)
 Returns true iff s and t are equal.
char s_get (String s, int i)
 Returns character at index i.
String s_input (int n)
 Reads at most n-1 characters into a newly allocated string.
int s_length (String s)
 Returns the length of the string (number of characters).
String s_read_file (String name)
 Reads the contents of a file into a String.
void s_set (String s, int i, char c)
 Sets s element at index i to value v.
void s_write_file (String name, String data)
 Writes a String to a file.
void write_file_data (String name, Byte *data, int n)
 Writes a memory block to a file.

Detailed Description

Base functions for Programming I Library.

Here you find basic functions for output, input, files, random numbers, dynamic memory allocation, timing, assertions, and testing.

Naming Conventions

Types names are written in upper camel case, such as String, except for predefined type names such as int, double, and bool. This library does not cover type float. This library does not deal with unsigned types.

Function names are written in lower case. Parts within function names are separated with an underscore character, such as in base_init. This makes function names distinguishable from type names.

Constants, such as NULL, are written in upper case. This is independent of whether they have been defined as C constants or with preprocessor define statements.

Type Declarations

The type String is simply defined as a pointer to a character:

typedef char* String;
char * String
A String is a sequence of characters.
Definition basedefs.h:24

There are several type declarations for functions. Example:

typedef String (*IntStringToString)(int, String);

The type IntStringToString represents a pointer to a function that takes an integer and a String and returns a String.

Dynamic Memory

Memory is allocated using xmalloc or xcalloc and released with free. These functions (in fact: macros) keep track of allocated memory and report memory leaks. Make sure to always use xmalloc or xcalloc rather than malloc and calloc in your code.


Example 1: Printing an integer

printiln(123); // print an integer followed by a line break
void printiln(int i)
Prints an integer followed by a line break.



Example 2: Reading a text file

Let example.txt be

line 1
line II
my line 3
last line

To read this file:

String s = s_read_file("example.txt"); // read the complete file
free(s); // free the string
#define free
Frees memory blocks allocated with xmalloc or xcalloc.
Definition base.h:711
void printsln(String s)
Prints a String followed by a line break.
String s_read_file(String name)
Reads the contents of a file into a String.


line 1
line II
my line 3
last line

See test functions in .c file for more examples.

Michael Rohs
15.10.2015, 22.09.2020, 25.09.2023

Macro Definition Documentation

◆ assert

#define assert (   description,
if (!(condition)) {\
fprintf(stderr, "%s, line %d: assertion \"%s\" (%s) violated\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, description, #condition);\

Checks the given condition.

If the condition is true, does nothing. If the condition is false, reports the file and line of the assertion and stops the program. Assertions are conditions that have to be valid at a particular point. If an assertion is false this indicates a bug in the program.

Example use of an assertion:

assert("not too large", x < 3);

Example output of failed assertions:

myfile.c, line 12: assertion "not too large" (x < 3) violated
myfile.c, line 12: assertion "sorted" (forall(int i = 0, i < n-1, i++, a[i] <= a[i+1])) violated
[in]descriptionString a description of the condition that has to be valid
[in]conditionboolean the condition to check

◆ assert_code

#define assert_code (   x)    x

Allows writing code that is meant for use in an assertion.

The code is removed if NO_ASSERT is defined.


assert_code(int old_x = x); // save old value for assertion
x = x + 1;
assert("incremented", x == old_x + 1); // check whether new value is as expected
#define assert(description, condition)
Checks the given condition.
Definition base.h:151
#define assert_code(x)
Allows writing code that is meant for use in an assertion.
Definition base.h:227

◆ assert_not_null

#define assert_not_null (   pointer)
if (pointer == NULL) {\
fprintf(stderr, "%s, line %d: assertion \"not null\" (" #pointer ") violated\n", __FILE__, __LINE__);\

Checks that the given pointer is not NULL.

If so, does nothing. Otherwise reports the location of the assertion and stops the program. Assertions are conditions that have to be valid at a particular point. If an assertion is false this indicates a bug in the program.

Example use of an assertion:


Example output of failed assertion:

myfile.c, line 12: assertion "not null" (s) violated
[in]pointera pointer that must not be null

◆ assert_x

#define assert_x (   description,
if (!(condition)) {\
fprintf(stderr, "%s, line %d: assertion \"%s\" violated: ", __FILE__, __LINE__, description);\
fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);\
fprintf(stderr, "\n");\

Checks the given condition.

If the condition is true, does nothing. If the condition is false, reports the file and line of the assertion and stops the program. Assertions are conditions that have to be valid at a particular point. If an assertion is false this indicates a bug in the program.

Example use of an assertion:

assert_x("not too large", x < 3, "x == %d", x);

Example output of failed assertions:

myfile.c, line 12: assertion "not too large" violated: x == 3
myfile.c, line 12: assertion "sorted" violated: a[2] == 5 && a[3] == 4
[in]descriptionString a description of the condition that has to be valid
[in]conditionboolean the condition to check

◆ count_if

#define count_if (   init,
int _count_if_result = 0;\
for (init; has_more_steps; do_step) { if (condition) { _count_if_result++; } }\

Counts the number of iteration steps for which the given condition is true.

Primarily for use in assertions, preconditions, and postconditions.

[in]initinitialization expression
[in]has_more_stepsboolean expression for continuing the iteration
[in]do_stepadvance the iteration state
[in]conditionboolean expression
the number of iteration steps for which the condition is true

Example: Count the number of non-zero array elements:

int n_non_zero = count_if(int i = 0, i < arr_length, i++, arr[i] != 0);
#define count_if(init, has_more_steps, do_step, condition)
Counts the number of iteration steps for which the given condition is true.
Definition base.h:543

◆ ensure

#define ensure (   description,
if (!(condition)) {\
fprintf(stderr, "%s, line %d: %s's postcondition \"%s\" (%s) violated\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, description, #condition);\

Checks the given postcondition.

If the condition is true, does nothing. If the condition is false, reports the location of the postcondition and stops the program. A postcondition is a special type of assertion that has to be valid before returning from a function.

Example use of a postcondition:

int myfunction(...) {
int result = 0;
ensure("not negative", result >= 0);
return result;
#define ensure(description, condition)
Checks the given postcondition.
Definition base.h:370

Example output of failed postconditions:

myfile.c, line 12: myfunction's postcondition "not negative" (result >= 0) violated
myfile.c, line 12: myfunction's postcondition "sorted" (forall(int i = 0, i < n-1, i++, a[i] <= a[i+1])) violated
[in]descriptionString a description of the condition that has to be valid
[in]conditionboolean the condition to check

◆ ensure_code

#define ensure_code (   x)    x

Allows writing code that is meant for use in a postcondition.

The code is removed if NO_ENSURE is defined.


int inc(int x) {
ensure_code(int old_x = x); // save old value for postcondition
x = x + 1;
ensure("incremented", x == old_x + 1); // check whether new value is as expected
return x;
#define ensure_code(x)
Allows writing code that is meant for use in a postcondition.
Definition base.h:427

◆ ensure_not_null

#define ensure_not_null (   pointer)
if (pointer == NULL) {\
fprintf(stderr, "%s, line %d: %s's postcondition \"not null\" (" #pointer ") violated\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__);\

Checks that the given pointer is not NULL.

If so, does nothing. Otherwise reports the location of the postcondition and stops the program. A postcondition is a special type of assertion that has to be valid before returning from a function.

Example use of a postcondition:


Example output of failed postcondition:

myfile.c, line 12: myfunction's postcondition "not null" (s) violated
[in]pointera pointer that must not be null

◆ ensure_x

#define ensure_x (   description,
if (!(condition)) {\
fprintf(stderr, "%s, line %d: %s's postcondition \"%s\" violated: ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, description);\
fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);\
fprintf(stderr, "\n");\

Checks the given postcondition.

If the condition is true, does nothing. If the condition is false, reports the location of the postcondition and stops the program. A postcondition is a special type of assertion that has to be valid before returning from a function.

Example use of a postcondition:

int myfunction(...) {
int result = 0;
ensure_x("not negative", result >= 0, "result == %d", result);
return result;
#define ensure_x(description, condition,...)
Checks the given postcondition.
Definition base.h:402

Example output of failed postconditions:

myfile.c, line 12: myfunction's postcondition "not negative" (result >= 0) violated
myfile.c, line 12: myfunction's postcondition "sorted" violated: a[2] == 5 && a[3] == 4
[in]descriptionString a description of the condition that has to be valid
[in]conditionboolean the condition to check


#define EPSILON   0.00000001

A very small positive value.

◆ exists

#define exists (   i,
bool _exists_result = false;\
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (condition) { _exists_result = true; break; } }\

Checks whether the given condition is true for at least one step of an iteration.

Primarily for use in assertions, preconditions, and postconditions.

[in]iname of iteration variable
[in]lengthnumber of iteration steps, i in [0, length)
[in]conditionboolean expression to check for each iteration step
true if the condition is true for at least one step of the iteration, false otherwise

Example: Checking whether an array contains negative elements:

bool has_negative_elements = exists(k, arr_length, arr[k] < 0);
#define exists(i, length, condition)
Checks whether the given condition is true for at least one step of an iteration.
Definition base.h:505

◆ exists_x

#define exists_x (   init,
bool _exists_result = false;\
for (init; has_more_steps; do_step) { if (condition) { _exists_result = true; break; } }\

Checks whether the given condition is true for at least one step of an iteration.

Primarily for use in assertions, preconditions, and postconditions.

[in]initinitialization expression
[in]has_more_stepsboolean expression for continuing the iteration
[in]do_stepadvance the iteration state
[in]conditionboolean expression to check for each iteration step
true if the condition is true for at least one step of the iteration, false otherwise

Example: Checking whether an array contains negative elements:

bool has_negative_elements = exists_x(int i = 0, i < arr_length, i++, arr[i] < 0);
#define exists_x(init, has_more_steps, do_step, condition)
Checks whether the given condition is true for at least one step of an iteration.
Definition base.h:524

◆ exit

#define exit   base_exit

Exits the process and returns the given status to the operating system.

[in]status(int) exit status of the process

◆ exit_if

#define exit_if (   condition,
if (condition) {\
fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);\
fprintf(stderr, "\n");\

Exits the program if the failure condition is true.

The further arguments contain the reason for exiting the program, using a format string.

◆ forall

#define forall (   i,
bool _forall_result = true;\
for (int i = 0; i < length; i++) { if (!(condition)) { _forall_result = false; break; } }\

Checks whether the given condition is true for all steps of an iteration.

Primarily for use in assertions, preconditions, and postconditions.

[in]iname of iteration variable
[in]lengthnumber of iteration steps, i in [0, length)
[in]conditionboolean expression to check for each iteration step
true if the condition is true for all steps of the iteration, false otherwise

Example: Checking whether an array is sorted:

bool is_sorted = forall(k, arr_length - 1, arr[k] <= arr[k+1]);
#define forall(i, length, condition)
Checks whether the given condition is true for all steps of an iteration.
Definition base.h:468

◆ forall_x

#define forall_x (   init,
bool _forall_result = true;\
for (init; has_more_steps; do_step) { if (!(condition)) { _forall_result = false; break; } }\

Checks whether the given condition is true for all steps of an iteration.

Primarily for use in assertions, preconditions, and postconditions.

[in]initinitialization expression
[in]has_more_stepsboolean expression for continuing the iteration
[in]do_stepadvance the iteration state
[in]conditionboolean expression to check for each iteration step
true if the condition is true for all steps of the iteration, false otherwise

Example: Checking whether an array is sorted:

bool is_sorted = forall_x(int i = 0, i < arr_length - 1, i++, arr[i] <= arr[i+1]);
#define forall_x(init, has_more_steps, do_step, condition)
Checks whether the given condition is true for all steps of an iteration.
Definition base.h:487

◆ free

#define free   base_free

Frees memory blocks allocated with xmalloc or xcalloc.

[in]ppointer to memory block to free



Switching assertion checking on and off.

If NO_ASSERT is defined, then assertions will not be compiled.



Switching assertion checking on and off.

If NO_ENSURE is defined, then postconditions will not be compiled.



Switching assertion checking on and off.

If NO_REQUIRE is defined, then preconditions will not be compiled.

◆ panic

#define panic (   ...)
fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d, %s: ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__);\
fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);\
fprintf(stderr, "\n");\

Exits the program.

The arguments contain the reason for the panic, using a format string. Reports the line number and the reason for the failure.

◆ panic_if

#define panic_if (   condition,
if (condition) {\
fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d, %s: ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__);\
fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);\
fprintf(stderr, "\n");\

Exits the program if the failure condition is true.

The further arguments contain the reason for the panic, using a format string. Reports the line number and the reason for the failure.

◆ PL

#define PL   printf("%s:%d\n", __func__, __LINE__)

Print line number.

Example: PL;

◆ PLf

#define PLf (   ...)
fprintf(stderr, "%s:%d: ", __func__, __LINE__);\
fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);\
fprintf(stderr, "\n");\

Print line number and format string.

Example: PLf("i = %d", 123);

◆ PLi

#define PLi (   i)    printf("%s:%d: %d\n", __func__, __LINE__, i)

Print line number and integer.

Example: PL(1);

◆ require

#define require (   description,
if (!(condition)) {\
fprintf(stderr, "%s, line %d: %s's precondition \"%s\" (%s) violated\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, description, #condition);\

Checks the given precondition.

If the condition is true, does nothing. If the condition is false, reports the location of the precondition and stops the program. A precondition is a special type of assertion that has to be valid at the beginning of a function.

Example use of a precondition:

int myfunction(int x) {
require("not too large", x < 3);
#define require(description, condition)
Checks the given precondition.
Definition base.h:254

Example output of failed preconditions:

myfile.c, line 12: myfunction's precondition "not too large" (x < 3) violated
myfile.c, line 12: myfunction's precondition "sorted" (forall(int i = 0, i < n-1, i++, a[i] <= a[i+1])) violated
[in]descriptionString a description of the condition that has to be valid
[in]conditionboolean the condition to check

◆ require_not_null

#define require_not_null (   argument)
if (argument == NULL) {\
fprintf(stderr, "%s, line %d: %s's precondition \"not null\" (" #argument ") violated\n", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__);\

Checks that the given argument is not NULL.

If so, does nothing. Otherwise reports the location of the precondition and stops the program. A precondition is a special type of assertion that has to be valid at the beginning of a function.

Example use of a precondition:

int myfunction(String s) {
#define require_not_null(argument)
Checks that the given argument is not NULL.
Definition base.h:337

Example output of failed preconditions:

myfile.c, line 12: myfunction's precondition "not null" (s) violated
[in]argumentpointer a pointer that must not be null

◆ require_x

#define require_x (   description,
if (!(condition)) {\
fprintf(stderr, "%s, line %d: %s's precondition \"%s\" violated: ", __FILE__, __LINE__, __func__, description);\
fprintf(stderr, __VA_ARGS__);\
fprintf(stderr, "\n");\

Checks the given precondition.

If the condition is true, does nothing. If the condition is false, reports the location of the precondition and stops the program. A precondition is a special type of assertion that has to be valid at the beginning of a function.

Example use of a precondition:

int myfunction(int x) {
require_x("not too large", x < 3, "x == %d", x);
#define require_x(description, condition,...)
Checks the given precondition.
Definition base.h:283

Example output of failed preconditions:

myfile.c, line 12: myfunction's precondition "not too large" violated: x == 3
myfile.c, line 12: myfunction's precondition "sorted" violated: a[2] == 5 && a[3] == 4
[in]descriptionString a description of the condition that has to be valid
[in]conditionboolean the condition to check

◆ test_equal_b

#define test_equal_b (   a,
)    base_test_equal_b(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e)

Checks whether the actual boolean (first argument) is equal to the expected boolean (second argument).

◆ test_equal_boa

#define test_equal_boa (   a,
)    base_test_equal_ba(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e, ne)

Checks whether the actual array (first argument) is equal to the expected array (second argument).

◆ test_equal_c

#define test_equal_c (   a,
)    base_test_equal_c(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e)

Checks whether the actual character (first argument) is equal to the expected character (second argument).

◆ test_equal_ca

#define test_equal_ca (   a,
)    base_test_equal_ca(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e, ne)

Checks whether the actual array (first argument) is equal to the expected array (second argument).

◆ test_equal_i

#define test_equal_i (   a,
)    base_test_equal_i(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e)

Checks whether the actual int (first argument) is equal to the expected int (second argument).

◆ test_equal_s

#define test_equal_s (   a,
)    base_test_equal_s(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e)

Checks whether the actual String (first argument) is equal to the expected String (second argument).

◆ test_equal_struct

#define test_equal_struct (   a,
)    base_test_equal_struct(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e, p)

Checks whether the actual struct (first argument) is equal to the expected struct (second argument).

◆ test_within_d

#define test_within_d (   a,
)    base_test_within_d(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e, epsilon)

Checks whether the actual double (first argument) is within +/-epsilon (third argument) of the expected double (second argument).

◆ test_within_i

#define test_within_i (   a,
)    base_test_within_i(__FILE__, __LINE__, a, e, epsilon)

Checks whether the actual int (first argument) is within +/-epsilon (third argument) of the expected int (second argument).

◆ xcalloc

#define xcalloc (   num,
)    base_calloc(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, num, size)

Allocates a block of (num * size) bytes with calloc.

Exits with error message on failure. The allocated bytes are set to zero (the initial c in calloc stands for clear).

[in]numnumber of elements
[in]sizesize (in bytes) of each element
pointer to the allocated memory block
See also
xrealloc, xmalloc, free

◆ xmalloc

#define xmalloc (   size)    base_malloc(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, size)

Allocates a block of size bytes with xmalloc.

Exits with an error message on failure. The contents of the allocated memory block is not initialized (i.e., the memory block contains arbitrary values).

[in]sizenumber of bytes to allocate
pointer to the allocated memory block
See also
xrealloc, xcalloc, free

◆ xrealloc

#define xrealloc (   ptr,
)    base_realloc(__FILE__, __func__, __LINE__, ptr, size)

Reallocates a block of size bytes using realloc.

Exits with error message on failure. The contents of the allocated memory block is not initialized (i.e., the memory block contains arbitrary values).

[in]ptrpointer to reallocate
[in]sizenumber of bytes to allocate
pointer to the reallocated memory block
See also
xcalloc, xmalloc, free

Function Documentation

◆ b_rnd()

bool b_rnd ( void  )

Returns a random Boolean between (true or false) with 50% probability.

true or false

◆ base_test_equal_b()

bool base_test_equal_b ( const char *  file,
int  line,
bool  a,
bool  e 

Checks whether the actual value a is equal to the expected value e.

◆ base_test_equal_c()

bool base_test_equal_c ( const char *  file,
int  line,
char  a,
char  e 

Checks whether the actual value a is equal to the expected value e.

◆ base_test_equal_i()

bool base_test_equal_i ( const char *  file,
int  line,
int  a,
int  e 

Checks whether the actual value a is equal to the expected value e.

◆ base_test_equal_s()

bool base_test_equal_s ( const char *  file,
int  line,
String  a,
String  e 

Checks whether the actual value a is equal to the expected value e.

◆ base_test_equal_struct()

bool base_test_equal_struct ( const char *  file,
int  line,
Any  a,
Any  e,
AnyFn  predicate 

Checks whether the members of struct a are equal to the members of struct e.

Uses the given predicate function to perform the comparison.

◆ base_test_within_d()

bool base_test_within_d ( const char *  file,
int  line,
double  a,
double  e,
double  epsilon 

Checks whether the actual value a is within +/-epsilon of the expected value e.

◆ base_test_within_i()

bool base_test_within_i ( const char *  file,
int  line,
int  a,
int  e,
int  epsilon 

Checks whether the actual value a is within +/-epsilon of the expected value e.

◆ d_input()

double d_input ( void  )

Reads a double from standard input.

The input has to be terminated by a line break.

◆ d_of_s()

double d_of_s ( String  s)

Converts a String to a double.

◆ d_rnd()

double d_rnd ( double  i)

Returns a random double between in the interval [0,i).

0 is inclusive, i is exclusive.

[in]iupper boundary (exclusive)
a double value between 0 (inclusive) and i (exclusive)
"positive range", i > 0

◆ get_line()

void get_line ( char *  line,
int  n 

Reads at most n-1 characters into an existing buffer.

Stops reading if newline or end-of-file have been reached. Does not return the newline character.

[in,out]linebuffer to write into (size of buffer at least n bytes), whill be a zero-terminated String
[in]nmaximum number of bytes to read, has to be at least 8
"not too small", n >= 8
See also

◆ i_input()

int i_input ( void  )

Reads an integer from standard input.

The input has to be terminated by a line break.

◆ i_of_s()

int i_of_s ( String  s)

Converts a String to an integer.

◆ i_rnd()

int i_rnd ( int  i)

Returns a random int between in the interval [0,i).

0 is inclusive, i is exclusive.

[in]iupper boundary (exclusive)
an integer value between 0 (inclusive) and i (exclusive)
"positive range", i > 0

◆ printb()

void printb ( bool  b)

Prints a boolean value.

◆ printba()

void printba ( Byte a,
int  n 

Prints a C-array of n Bytes.

◆ printbaln()

void printbaln ( Byte a,
int  n 

Prints a C-array of n Bytes followed by a line break.

◆ printbln()

void printbln ( bool  b)

Prints a boolean value followed by a line break.

◆ printboa()

void printboa ( bool *  a,
int  n 

Prints a C-array of n booleans.

◆ printboaln()

void printboaln ( bool *  a,
int  n 

Prints a C-array of n booleans followed by a line break.

◆ printc()

void printc ( char  c)

Prints a character.

◆ printca()

void printca ( char *  a,
int  n 

Prints a C-array of n characters.

◆ printcaln()

void printcaln ( char *  a,
int  n 

Prints a C-array of n characters followed by a line break.

◆ printcln()

void printcln ( char  c)

Prints a character followed by a line break.

◆ printd()

void printd ( double  d)

Prints a double.

◆ printda()

void printda ( double *  a,
int  n 

Prints a C-array of n doubles.

◆ printdaln()

void printdaln ( double *  a,
int  n 

Prints a C-array of n doubles followed by a line break.

◆ printdln()

void printdln ( double  d)

Prints a double followed by a line break.

◆ printi()

void printi ( int  i)

Prints an integer.

◆ printia()

void printia ( int *  a,
int  n 

Prints a C-array of n integers.

◆ printialn()

void printialn ( int *  a,
int  n 

Prints a C-array of n integers followed by a line break.

◆ printiln()

void printiln ( int  i)

Prints an integer followed by a line break.

◆ println()

void println ( )

Prints a line break.

◆ prints()

void prints ( String  s)

Prints a String.

◆ printsa()

void printsa ( String a,
int  n 

Prints a C-array of n Strings.

◆ printsaln()

void printsaln ( String a,
int  n 

Prints a C-array of n Strings followed by a line break.

◆ printsln()

void printsln ( String  s)

Prints a String followed by a line break.

◆ report_memory_leaks()

void report_memory_leaks ( bool  do_check)

Switches memory checking on or off.

If on, checks for memory leaks when thr program terminates.

[in]do_checkif true, then memory is checked

◆ s_contains()

bool s_contains ( String  s,
String  part 

Returns true iff s contains part.

[in]sinput string
[in]partinput string
true iff s contains part

◆ s_copy()

String s_copy ( String  s)

Creates a copy of the given string.

Memory of copy is dynamically allocated.

[in]sinput string
copy of input string

◆ s_equals()

bool s_equals ( String  s,
String  t 

Returns true iff s and t are equal.

[in]sinput string
[in]tinput string
true iff s and t are equal

◆ s_get()

char s_get ( String  s,
int  i 

Returns character at index i.

[in]sinput string
[in]iindex of character to return
character at index i
"index in range", i >= 0 && i < length

◆ s_input()

String s_input ( int  n)

Reads at most n-1 characters into a newly allocated string.

Stops reading if newline or end-of-file is reached. Does not return the newline character.

[in]nmaximum number of bytes to read, has to be at least 8
newly allocated String with bytes read
See also

◆ s_length()

int s_length ( String  s)

Returns the length of the string (number of characters).

[in]sinput string
number of characters

◆ s_read_file()

String s_read_file ( String  name)

Reads the contents of a file into a String.

The function fails if the file does not exist or cannot be read.

[in]namefile name (including path)
newly allocated String with data read from file
See also
s_write_file, write_file_data

◆ s_set()

void s_set ( String  s,
int  i,
char  c 

Sets s element at index i to value v.

[in,out]sinput string
[in]iindex of character to set
[in]ccharacter to set
"index in range", i >= 0 && i < length

◆ s_write_file()

void s_write_file ( String  name,
String  data 

Writes a String to a file.

An existing file of the same name will be overwritten.

[in]namefile name (including path)
[in]datathe data to write to the file
See also
s_read_file, write_file_data

◆ write_file_data()

void write_file_data ( String  name,
Byte data,
int  n 

Writes a memory block to a file.

An existing file of the same name will be overwritten.

[in]namefile name (including path)
[in]datathe data to write to the file
[in]nthe number of bytes to write to the file
"non-negative length", n >= 0
See also
s_read_file, s_write_file