On this page:
8.1 Steps
8.1.1 Problem statement
8.1.2 Data definition
8.1.3 Function name
8.1.4 Parameter list
8.1.5 Function stub
8.1.6 Purpose statement
8.1.7 Examples and expected results
8.1.8 Function body
8.1.9 Testing
8.1.10 Review and revise
8.2 Data Definitions for Variant Data
8.3 Exercises

8 Recipe for Variant Data (Sum Types)

Sometimes, data can take on one of different variants. An example are points that may be represented either in Euclidean coordinates (x, y) or in polar coordinates (theta, magnitude). In the latter case, magnitude specifies the distance from the origin of the coordinate system and theta specifies the direction with respect to the positive x-axis. So, (0°, 3) is equivalent to (3, 0) in Euclidean coordinates, (90°, 2) is equivalent to (0, 2), and (45°, sqrt(2)) is equivalent to (1, 1).

A data type that can represent one of different choices is called a variant, a (tagged) union, or a sum type. In PostFix, such types are represented as multiple arrays, one for each variant.

point-euclid-polar.pf serves as the example for variant data.

8.1 Steps

8.1.1 Problem statement

Write down the problem statement as a comment. The problem statement should answer these questions: What information needs to be represented? What should the function (to be implemented) do with the data? What cases need to be considered?


Points on the 2D plane may be given either in Euclidean coordinates or in polar coordinates. Design a function that computes the distance of such a point to the origin of the coordinate system.


8.1.2 Data definition

Write how the domain information should be represented in the program, or, vice versa, write how to interpret the data (e.g., a pair of numbers) as real-world information (e.g., a point in 2D space). Write a data definition as an array with symbols as attribute names. Write a constructor for creating and initializing values of this kind.

First, enumerate the different variants:

# enumeration of point variants:

# :euclid, :polar

Then, write constructor, detector, and accessor functions for each variant:


euclid: (x :Num, y :Num -> :Arr) { # constructor function

    [euclid: x: x y: y]

} fun


euclid?: (e :Obj -> :Bool) { # detector function

   [ { e arr? }

     { e length 5 = }

     { e 0 get :euclid = } ] and

} fun


euclid-x: (e :Arr -> :Num) { # accessor function

    e .:x

} fun


euclid-y: (e :Arr -> :Num) { # accessor function

    e .:y

} fun


polar: (theta :Num, magnitude :Num -> :Arr) { # constructor function

    [polar: theta: theta magnitude: magnitude]

} fun


polar?: (p :Obj -> :Bool) { # detector function

   [ { p arr? }

     { p length 5 = }

     { p 0 get :polar = } ] and

} fun


polar-theta: (p :Arr -> :Num) { # accessor function

    p .:theta

} fun


polar-magnitude: (p :Arr -> :Num) { # accessor function

    p .:magnitude

} fun

8.1.3 Function name

Conceive a descriptive function name. This should ideally be a short non-abbreviated name. You may revise the name and find a better name in the last step.


8.1.4 Parameter list

Write down the function signature as a parameter list. The parameter names and types go left of the arrow (comma separated if you wish). The result type goes right of the arrow. The parameter names should ideally be descriptive, short, and non-abbreviated.

distance-to-origin: (p :Arr -> :Num)

8.1.5 Function stub

Write down the function stub, returning an arbitrary value from the range of the function. Check that the code is parsed without error.

distance-to-origin: (p :Arr -> :Num) {


} fun

8.1.6 Purpose statement

Write down a purpose statement (given as a comment).

# Computes the distance from the given point

# to the origin of the coordinate system.

8.1.7 Examples and expected results

Write down examples with expected results in the test method. Define any constants that the function needs. Check that the code is parsed correctly. (Some tests will fail for the stub.)

distance-to-origin-test: {

    1e-10 EPSILON!


    # test cases for polar variant

    0 0 polar distance-to-origin, 0, EPSILON test~=

    0 1 polar distance-to-origin, 1, EPSILON test~=

    2.3 2 polar distance-to-origin, 2, EPSILON test~=


    # test cases for Euclidean variant

    0 -2 euclid distance-to-origin, 2, EPSILON test~=

    2 0 euclid distance-to-origin, 2, EPSILON test~=

    1 1 euclid distance-to-origin, 2 sqrt, EPSILON test~=



} fun



It is important to generate test cases for each variant.

8.1.8 Function body

Implement the function body. Put required helper functions on a "wish list." These will be implemented later.

How to identify the need for a helper function: A function should perform one well-defined task. A change in task or data type should be outsourced in a helper function. Moreover, a reusable subtask should be outsourced in a helper function (Don’t Repeat Yourself, DRY principle). It is often helpful to write a stub for the helper functions. This way you can already run the program.

The implementation of the example function does not need helper functions.

# Computes the distance from the given point

# to the origin of the coordinate system.

distance-to-origin: (p :Arr -> :Num) {

    { p euclid? } {

        p euclid-x p euclid-x *

        p euclid-y p euclid-y * + sqrt


    { p polar? } {

        p polar-magnitude


} cond-fun

The function takes different strategies to compute the distance of the point to the root, depending on whether the point is given in Euclidean or in polar coordinates. The detector functions are used to distinguish these cases.

8.1.9 Testing

Check that the function body satisfies the tests. Correct the function body (and the tests). Look for opportunities to simplify the structure of the code. This typically requires multiple iterations.

point-euclid-polar.pf, line 78: Check passed.

point-euclid-polar.pf, line 79: Check passed.

point-euclid-polar.pf, line 80: Check passed.

point-euclid-polar.pf, line 83: Check passed.

point-euclid-polar.pf, line 84: Check passed.

point-euclid-polar.pf, line 85: Check passed.

All 6 tests passed!

8.1.10 Review and revise

Review and revise the function name, the parameter names, and the purpose statement. Improve them if necessary. A design is not complete until it has a purpose statement and tests. The purpose statement should describe what the function computes (not how it does the computation) and should mention the given inputs and produced result. The test examples should cover corner cases and a typical case.

Given the implementation, we can write a reusable template for functions that handle points:

fn-for-points: (p :Arr -> ...) {

    { p euclid? } {

        p euclid-x ...

        p euclid-y ...


    { p polar? } {

        p polar-magnitude ...

        p polar-theta ...


} cond-fun

8.2 Data Definitions for Variant Data

You do not have to write constructor, detector, and accessor functions yourself. The datadef operator automatically creates them as well as type symbols for each variant and the overall type itself. Thus, with datadef it is possible to define new types. The type names can be used in parameter lists to precisely denote the type, whereas above we just used the type :Arr.

Point: {

    Euclid: (x :Num, y :Num)

    Polar: (theta :Num, magnitude :Num)

} datadef


# Computes the distance from the given point

# to the origin of the coordinate system.

distance-to-origin: (p :Point -> :Num) {

    { p euclid? } {

        p euclid-x p euclid-x *

        p euclid-y p euclid-y * + sqrt


    { p polar? } {

        p polar-magnitude


} cond-fun

In this case, the datadef operator defines the constructor functions euclid and polar, the detector functions point?, euclid?, and polar?, and the accessor functions euclid-x, euclid-y, polar-theta, and polar-magnitude. The type names :Point, :Euclid, and :Polar are also linked to their respective detector functions. The point data definition

Point: {

    Euclid: (x :Num, y :Num)

    Polar: (theta :Num, magnitude :Num)

} datadef

generates these functions functions:

point?: ( p :Obj -> :Bool ) {

    [ { p euclid? } { p polar? } ] or

} fun


euclid: ( x :Num y :Num -> :Euclid ) {

    [ :datadef :Euclid x y ]

} fun


 euclid?: ( p :Obj -> :Bool ) {

   [ { p arr? }

     { p length 2 >= }

     { p 0 get :datadef = }

     { p 1 get :Euclid = } ] and

} fun


euclid-x: ( p :Euclid -> :Num ) {

    p 2 get

} fun


euclid-y: ( p :Euclid -> :Num ) {

    p 3 get

} fun


polar: ( theta :Num magnitude :Num -> :Polar ) {

    [ :datadef :Polar theta magnitude ]

} fun


 polar?: ( p :Obj -> :Bool ) {

   [ { p arr? }

     { p length 2 >= }

     { p 0 get :datadef = }

     { p 1 get :Polar = } ] and

} fun


polar-theta: ( p :Polar -> :Num ) {

    p 2 get

} fun


polar-magnitude: ( p :Polar -> :Num ) {

    p 3 get

} fun

8.3 Exercises